We are genital Anal warts Treatment Institution in Orange County. Our center provide same day effective painless and bloodless warts removal with minimal chance of recurrence. Serving Anaheim, irvine, costa mesa, orange, los alamitos, Mission viejo, Ladera ranch, Fullerton, laguna Hillls, La Palma, Buena Park, Fountain Valley, Westminster, Santa Ana, Cypress, Yorba linda. We primairly focus and spesialized on Genital and anal warts and we do not treat any other skin wart. CALL 1-714-313-8011 Not every Growth on Genital is HPV Warts, Get Exmine by An Expert
Your first shot is your best shot when treating genital/anal warts. It is imperative that you choose the right institution, physician, and method to minimize recurrence and scar development.
Partially damaged warts as result of incomplete genital anal warts treatment and open wound and irritation would pass the virus (HPV) to surrounding tissue. Therefore, you will have more new warts appear subsequently. We have seen numrous patients who were victim of laser, freezing, burning treatment with recurrence of their warts accompanied with scar. Please click Here to See Adverse Effect of Laser
Disfiguring scarring and genital / anal warts mixed with scarring are much more difficult to treat. Permanent, unsightly scars cannot be reversed by “money-back guarantee” promises.
Choosing a clinic offering discounted services may save you money but also result in detrimental skin damage and low success rate, negatively impacting your health and life. Physician reputation and skill should be your top priority when choosing the right treatment in your country or your area.
We have treated tens of thousands of genital and anal warts with extremely high success rates. This means that with our technique your treated warts will be unlikely to grow back. Our innovative skill and technique of removing genital warts is exceptional with excellent possible cosmetic outcome and extremely high success rate. Our approach is reserved for complicated warts, oversized growths, and resistant genital and anal warts. Removal is done in our customized operative suite and performed under microscopy by Dr. Arani himself. Please review our Before and After Gallery to see some samples of our results.
Dr. Arani on Fox News |
What is Genital warts ?
Visible genital warts usually are caused by HPV. HPV is a virus and the wart is the outcome, however, remember that not every growth in the genital area is a genital wart caused by HPV. It must be diagnosed by your medical doctor only. HPV is very common in sexually active men and women and can sometimes have serious health consequences. About 20 million Americans are currently infected, and about 5.5 million people become newly infected each year.The virus can infect the genital skin and the linings of the vagina, cervix, rectum, and urethra.
They come in different shape such as raised, flat, big and small. Many patient have these growth for months and years and they might not even know it. This become alarming when patients see multiple lesion and start thinking that they are facing ongoing and spreading disease before seeking medical attention.
Many lesion occur in male or female genital that could be easily mistaken by genital warts. I have seen many patients in the past that getting treated for genital warts with significant scar associated with various type of the treatment that had no HPV warts to begin with. If patient gets labeled with HPV warts then he/she will carry the diagnosis from one doctor to another and all will follow the path of continuity of the care till and experience physician evaluate the patient along this path to change the diagnosis and obviously treatment course. In other words, not every growth is genital warts by HPV.
Locations of Warts:
You could have wart similar to your Genital warts in other part of your body such as in urethra, in urethral, anus , perianal, pubic, scrotum etc . Treatment approach might be different in different area.
Genital Warts Vs Other Warts, The Difference
There is significant difference in other body part wart such as plantar and common warts than genital anal warts in the aspect of one being STD and the other is not. I summarized some of the differences in following table:
Difference Copyright Protected Dr. S. Arani, M.D. |
Genital Anal Warts |
Other Common Warts |
Yes | No |
Abnormal Pap smear or Anal pap |
Yes | No |
Difficulty Level of Treatment |
++++ | + |
Self Treatment such as freezing |
No | Yes |
Complications |
++++ | + |
Pregnancy and Fetal Issue |
Yes | No |
Genital/ Anal warts is a sexually transmitted infection that needs to be diagnosed by an experienced physician. Many patients have these growth for months and years without even knowing they are there. They then become alarmed when they see multiple lesions and start thinking that they are facing ongoing and spreading disease, and seek medical attention. Many lesions that occur on the male or female genitalia can be easily mistaken by genital warts. I have seen many patients in the past who were treated for genital warts with significant scarring associated with various type of the treatments, and it turns out they had no HPV warts to begin with. When a patient is labeled with HPV warts, then he or she carries the diagnosis from one doctor to another and all follow the path of continuity of the care until an experienced physician evaluates the patient and changes the diagnosis and treatment course. Not all growths on the genitals are genital warts by HPV. We have made special page for your information and visual aid of how genital anal and urethral warts looks like please click here
HPV Transmission:
Human papilloma virus is very contagious. Many infectous disease unable to enter the skin barier , however, HPV enter the skin by simple contact. Double stranded Human Papilloma Virus enters the skin and passes its DNA to the proliferative layer of the skin genome and as a result,undesirable proliferations will occur which appear as warts. Inoculation without manifestation of warts may take from a week to 18 months or more. It means you may have been infected with HPV but won't develop a visible wart until a much later time. This is the reason why we ask our patients to return to the clinic for a re-evaluation after 6 months and 2 years to make sure that they don't have a new wart. Some individuals are naturally resistant to HPV viruses and don't become infected as easily as others. HPV warts are a contagious infection and spread easier by manipulation such as scratching or shaving.
HPV and STD:
HPV test and pap smears are primarily for evaluation of cervix such as detection of cervical cancer or any abnormality. This would not tell you if you have external genital, anal or perianal warts or not. For example, you could have a HPV warts on your labia majora of the vagina, anal or perianal warts and yet have normal pap smear with no HPV. However, if you are diagnosed with external genital warts then we always recommend you to get pap smear to make sure that you do not have anything internally. If your doctor gets suspicious of genital anal warts which are spreading then he/she would consider treatment as this could be extended internally (vaginal, anal, urethral) with possible later complication. On the other hand there is a possibility that your warts go away on their own, but you must consult with your MD. In conclusion the following are real possibilities :
1) You have Anal, perianal or genital warts and you have normal pap smear with Negative HPV DNA Test
3) You have no Anal, no perianal and no genital warts and you have abnormal pap smear results with Negative or positive HPV DNA Test
HPV Complications :
According to CDC in some patients HPV infections will persist and can cause a variety of serious health problems. Health problems that can be caused by HPV include
All cases of genital warts and RRP, and nearly all cases of cervical cancer, are caused by HPV. A subset of cancers of the vagina, vulva, anus, penis, and oropharynx, are caused by HPV.
Each year in the U.S., HPV is thought to cause an estimated
*Note: Other factors, notably tobacco and alcohol use, may also play a role with HPV to cause these cancers.
About 21,000 of these cancers are potentially preventable by HPV vaccines.
Please read about HPV Vaccine, click in here
Treatment :
Life is filled with beauty and darkness. We fight to win, sometimes victoriously and other times not, but the point is that we get up and fight again, learn a lifetime experience and put it behind us. However, as humans we tend to stop fighting if there is no chance of winning. To win, it is necessary to have the right tools and preparation, including strength and knowledge of the enemy's behavior. Genital warts are the product of a virus that works from within the body’s cells; to battle it, the immune system must be as strong as possible. Worry or depression can weaken the immune system, which is one of the reasons why it is so important for patients to be educated about their condition; the more that is known, the better the chance to fight it
With regard to genital warts, each wart must be approached differently. There is no quick and easy treatment such as a pill that will eliminate them. Each wart must be examined individually and its features evaluated; how big it is, its thickness, its location, the color, whether it was previously treated, if it is associated with scarring, the rapidness of its growth, and the length of time it has been present must all be taken into consideration. One method of treatment does not fit all warts so it would not be appropriate for a treating clinician to treat all warts with liquid nitrogen without regard to the wart’s individual characteristics. Likewise, FDA-approved creams would not be the most optimal treatment for prominent warts and non-FDA-approved creams would never be recommended due to possible side effects, serious damage, and exacerbation of infection.
Treatment Failure:
I always tell my patients failure treatment will spread the virus to other part of your body by irritation and viral shedding. You got to make sure that the removal method is the right one with no collateral damages. Disfiguring scarring and warts mixed with scarring are much more difficult to treat. Permanent, unsightly scars cannot be reversed by future surgery! Choosing a clinic offering wart removal services without proven success may result in detrimental skin damage and low success rate, negatively impacting your health and life. Again, genital warts are not common wart and hand and feet which have thicker skin. Genital skin is thin and sensitive. Genital skin has certain physiological charecterstic that stretches few times of its original size. Skin damges will possibly ulter this function. Skin constantly break open at removal area during erection and sex. I have seen many complicated treated area in past. Physician reputation and skill should be your top priority when choosing the right treatment in your country or your area wherever you may live in. As a patient with genital warts, you must read, get educated, know the pathophysiology of your condition, and always explore your options before wisely choosing the best treatment. I believe that knowledge is power: power of overcoming this devastating epidemic.
Treatment Failure Pictures:
HPV Vaccine:
There are 2 FDA approved vaccines in USA, one made by Merck and other by Glaxo Smith. I will briefly explain both of them.
Gardisil made by Merck introduced in 2006 covers 4 different HPV Types 6, 11, 16, and 18. First 2 types are responsible for majority of genital warts and last 2 are responsible for cervical cancer. In other words, type 6 and 11 are low risk and 16 and 18 are high risk HPV. The main components of the vaccine are purified inactive proteins from aforementioned HPV. The vaccine will not infect you, but will boost your immunity to fight against the virus. Vaccine are given in series of 3 shots on day 0, 2 months and 6 months. We have this vaccine available in our medical center for administration.
Cervarix is made by Glaxo Smith received FDA approval in 2009. It will cover Type 16 and 18. We usually prefer Gardisil for our patients as our practice focus on Genital warts and Gardisil will cover that, However, Cervarix remain as approved Vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer please consult with your physician to choose which one is right for you.
Will Vaccine help me if I already have HPV?
According to the vaccine insert: Yes, you may get a benefit from the vaccine if you already have HPV. This is because many people are not infected with all 4 types of HPV, which are contained in the vaccine. In clinical trials, individuals with current or past infections with one or more vaccine-related HPV types prior to vaccination were protected from disease caused by the remaining vaccine HPV types. HPV Vaccine is not intended to be used for treatment for the above mentioned diseases. Talk to your health care professional for more information.
Sex and Partner:
Patients always concern regarding sex with their partner. This is a very sensitive subject needs to be addressed. If you carry the diagnosis of genital warts then you are contagious. Some people don't develop genital warts after getting exposed to HPV and some people develop severe case of genital warts. To this date we don't know why certain people are naturally more immune than others. You could be more contagious if you have untreated genital warts and significant advance visible disease. We will address your concern in detail in your visit and will give you basic advice and answer all your questions
Before & After Pictures![]() |
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All are clinical pictures belong to real patients that has been treated in our institution, no photoshop or altering edit has been done and original hardcopy of photos are available in our clinic for our patients review. Please click here to see more photos
12665 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, Ca 92843
We are in different locations in OC (orange county ) and Los Angeles, Complicated Anal and urethral warts will be oprated on in special suite in our head office location in our 5000 sq feet state of the art facility in Down Town L.A (los Angeles)
We serve following area in orange county, OC Anaheim, Brea ,Buena Park ,Costa Mesa ,Cypress ,Dana Point ,Fountain Valley, Fullerton ,Garden Grove ,Huntington Beach ,Irvine ,La Habra ,La Palma ,Laguna Beach ,Laguna Hills ,Laguna Niguel ,Lake Forest ,Los Alamitos ,Mission Viejo ,Newport Beach ,Orange ,Placentia ,San Clemente ,San Juan Capistrano ,Santa Ana ,Seal Beach ,Stanton ,Tustin ,Villa Park ,Westminster ,Yorba Linda